I think there are only two religions left in the world today, they are STEM and HASS. These are acronyms borrowed from university speak – STEM stands for Science, Technology Engineering and Mathematics; HASS is Humanities Arts & Social Sciences, and...

The Mistletoe Metaphor

I recently read about an interesting study that found that removing mistletoes from eucalyptus trees actually caused biodiversity to further deteriorate, particularly in the number of insect eating bird species present in the forest. Mistletoe is often considered a sort of...

lectures et al

Attended a really interesting talk last week, the ANU’s Jager Hales lecture which this year was given by Professor Edouard Bard (Collège de France & CEREGE Univ. Aix-Marseille, France) about the end of the last ice age, where from about 18,000...

happy about Higgs

I am glad that we seem to have found the Higgs particle. Now we can all sleep comfortably with our good looking standard model. Watching the live feed.. so much data.. fantastic. webcast (will only work for another hour or so)...