making sense of things past
I recently had a clear out of my notebooks which i took when traveling in 1997-8-9 and filled with poetry and drawings (most are not publishable – but some of the o.k. ones are in the ‘poem library’ part of this site).
The ‘little red notebook’ and Schrÿfbloks.
Schrÿfblok scribblings.
The “little red notebook” which has a few poems and lots of other dreamings.
Self portrait aged 20.
Leunig influences.. yearnings for simplicity.
Psychedelic scribbles.
Being a nerd, I designed castles. Later I recreated them as ‘Doom’ levels.
Lines improving Somerset Maugham’s “The razors edge”.
I spent these travel days on my own trying to make sense out of life. I was heavily influenced by eastern ideas and the amount of meditation that i did put me in a completely different state of mind to any other time in my life. I can’t even really touch on those days with writing – they are gone but they are always deeply present in me.