I hang out on debateanatheist on reddit, trying to be satisfied, but something’s just missing y’know? i can’t tell when i lost the ability to be satisfied by logic. Now i need some crazy to feel like life has a meaning....
I really should be putting my blogs on substack or medium or one of those other places. but i’m happy loafing here in my homebrew website, hiding away from the world. I’m writing this having loaded up an old computer that...
Hello friends. Have been through what feels like another round of frying-pan-fire, with cars breaking unexpectedly (quick pushing onto median strips at lights with other cars waiting), songs going out into the world without much fanfare, money on the mind, and...
Feeling a bit light this evening so i think i can talk about it.. the slow pull. Maybe it is just the advancing years, the lengthening shadows. The dough, folded and folded again, to make a millefeuille. The complexifying of every...
In around 2009 I started a twitter account to get what seemed a direct line to gossip coming out of parliament house. In those days there didn’t seem to be any trolls. But it quickly got sordid. Soon i had my...
I’ve recently discovered I’m living near to a Buddhist temple that seems to have its main links going towards the Burmese Buddhist tradition, with an enormous golden Buddha statue at its heart. It has a beautiful smaller shrine around the back...
I just put out some more music – the first EP “To Eternity” is left overs from my recent release “The Present Race” , demo quality material really, but i like it. The last two songs came about after my 2022...
I was reading about fathers who write memoirs that barely mention their own family. I don’t often write too much about mine because it feels private and personal and also that is the part of my life that contains my strongest...
Tada! This is my new EP – six songs exploring themes of climate destruction, ageing, genocide, tyranny, loss and self immolation for art. I recorded all the songs myself at home, in the hall and the bathroom, over a few weeks...
There’s an Elliott Smith song I’ve been trying to learn for a while now, called Son of Sam. The studio version which opens Elliott’s figure 8 album has a nice video directed by Autumn de Wilde (there is a funny story...
After my India trip I had the idea that what the world needs is more quiet places, like Ramanasramam, and that I could turn the farm into a big contemplative garden. I had a fanciful idea of some kind of meditation...